St Martin's School is part of the Faith Community of Our Lady of Graces Parish, Carina.
The Archdiocesan Sacramental Policy places the preparation for the Sacraments with the family, and the celebration within the Parish setting. The co-ordination of the program rests with the Parish Sacramental Co-ordinator. The teachers at St Martin’s also support this in the classroom by teaching specific units at the time children are preparing to receive the Sacraments.
Our Lady of Graces Parish, Carina
Archdiocese of Brisbane, Queensland, Australia
Conducted by the Order of Preachers (Dominicans)
Parish Details:
Priory 100 Mayfield Road, Carina Qld 4152
PO Box 305, Carina 4152
Tel. (07) 3398 2977
Fax. (07) 3398 5896
Parish Priest: Fr Alex VickersO.P.
Additional Information
Our Lady of Graces Sacramental Programme
Shelly Stone Sacramental Co-ordinator, Our Lady of Graces Catholic Church
Phone: 3398 2977
If you have any questions regarding the Sacramental Programme, Kellie is only too happy to assist with your inquiries.
© Brisbane Catholic Education, St Martin's School, Carina (2024)