The Australian Curriculum
The Australian Curriculum is the source of all Curriculum planning, Assessment and Reporting at St Martin's.
The Australian Curriculum sets consistent high standards for what all young Australians should learn as they progress through schooling. It prepares Australia's next generation for the future and lays the building blocks for generations to come.

The Learning Areas taught from The Australian Curriculum at St Martin's are: English, Mathematics, Science, Humanities and Social Sciences, The Arts, Technologies, Health and Physical Education and Languages.
The Australian Curriculum focuses on learning area content and achievement standards that describe what students will learn and teachers will teach.
It also gives attention to seven general capabilities that are important for life and work in the 21st century and to three issues identified in the Melbourne Declaration as needing more attention than they have received in curricula to date.
The general capabilities and the cross-curriculum priorities are not added as additional subjects. They are dealt with, where relevant, through the learning area content on which the curriculum is built.
Australian Curriculum
RE curriculum;
Alice Springs Declaration
Successful Learners Poster
Student learning is supported in years 2 – 6 with a 1:1 device program. This enables teachers and students to integrate a range of digital tools and technologies into all areas of the Australian curriculum.
Prep - Year 2 Curriculum

At St Martin's we believe in providing a safe and positive environment for children to learn. Through our belief in Jesus and Gospel values, we promote respect for people and property. The Early Years Curriculum builds on links for children between their prior, current and future learning. We provide a broad based, integrated program which will provide foundations for success in later learning.
We believe students in the Early Years:
- Are enthusiastic, motivated and active learners when engaged in their learning
- Are creative and eager to express their own ideas
- Respond positively to routines and clear boundaries
- Require support to develop skills to successfully negotiate and communicate with others in cooperative play and learning situations
- Exhibit a variety of learning styles and competencies
Learning and teaching at St Martin's will endeavour to be child-centred, negotiated and inquiry-based - ICLT in the form of iPads as well as a wide range of resources will be used in a variety of learning contexts
- Differentiation of learning and teaching will occur in order to cater to the wide range of learner needs within classes at St Martin's
- Curriculum will demonstrate commitment to modern pedagogies and practices
- Learning and teaching will occur within an environment of respect with a focus on developing confidence, independence and resilience in our learners
Year 3-4 Curriculum
Learning in the Middle Years
The Middle Years Curriculum at St Martin's builds on the students experiences in the Early Years. We believe in creating a learner-centred curriculum where we aim to cater for the unique developmental needs and interests of the students. Teachers work together to provide a consistent approach to the Curriculum, consistent literacy routines and ensure a common language of learning in the classroom.

We know that children in the Middle Years learn best when they:
- make connections between their diverse prior experiences and learning at the school
- participate in making decisions
- make choices and contribute to learning experiences
- share their opinions and diverse experiences
- discuss their learning
- learn in a responsive and supportive social environment
We support students in the Middle Years to develop the 21st Century Learning Skills of creativity and innovation; critical thinking; decision making; collaboration and communication; ICT literacy and personal and social responsibility through educational experiences that combine digital, face-to-face and hands on learning.
Year 5-6 Curriculum
We follow an inquiry based style of teaching and learning, where the students are encouraged to be confident, self-directed learners. Much emphasis is placed on effective collaboration and the students work with students across the year level with a variety of classroom and specialist teachers.
We believe students in years 5 and 6 learn best when they;
- take risks and ask questions
- collaborate and communicate
- persist with complex problems to challenge themselves
- reflect on their learning
- seek and apply feedback
- have the opportunity to display their individual creativity
- make connections to the real world
Subjects taught by classroom teachers
- Religion
- English
- Mathematics
- Science
- Humanities and Social Sciences
- Technologies
- Health
Subjects taught by specialist teachers
- Physical Education
- Drama
- Music
- Media Arts
- Visual Arts
- Italian
© Brisbane Catholic Education, St Martin's School, Carina (2024)