School Fees

​​​​​fees.jpgSchool fees are one of the major sources of revenue that fund education in Catholic Schools.


  • To collect sufficient revenue from fees to supplement other sources of revenue which collectively will be used to run the school efficiently;
  • To establish an understanding that all families should contribute to the best of their financial ability towards the Catholic education of their children;
  • To act justly, with compassion, and consideration of individual family circumstances;
  • To establish a procedure which promotes prompt payment of fees and thus avoiding accumulated debts that may be beyond the financial capability of families;
  • To establish a climate in which families can discuss particular circumstances in confidence.

School (Tuition) Fees. The fee is based on the number of students per family and is set annually in consultation with the Parish Priest, Fees Advisory Committee, and School Principal, as part of the process of setting a yearly school budget. The Tuition fees assist in paying for the following:

  • Archdiocesan Educational levy (forwarded to Brisbane Catholic Education Centre to supplement State and Commonwealth grants and assists in the payment of salaries and provision of centrally provided services).
  • Administration Costs e.g. stationary, postage, phone, etc.
  • Teaching/learning resources including classroom, first aid, library
  • Insurance
  • Utility costs e.g. Electricity and rates
  • Furniture and equipment
  • Security.

School Levies. This levy Includes General Curriculum Support, Classroom Consumable Resources, PE Resources, Transport, and Technology. The levy covers the following budget expenditure items:

  • Support teachers salaries [Art, Dance, Music & Technology]
  • Teacher Assistants salaries
  • Classroom resources and consumable materials
  • Photocopying and printing
  • Technology technical support and maintenance
  • Swimming and other P.E. programs

Building Levy – (charged per family). The Building Fund is a necessary family levy, which enables us to pay our school building loans as well as provide additional facilities for the students. It is also used to assist us in employing a full time janitor/grounds person, and provide the necessary maintenance, cleaning and improvements needed for the building and grounds of our school.

School Fees
SCHOOL FEES AND LEVIES FOR 2024 incl camp.pdf​​

School Fees Policy including Refund Policy

Direct Debit 

Direct Debit from a bank account or the Credit Card On-Line Payment System (COPS) will again be available to families for monthly and fortnightly payments.  If you wish to utilize this process please call into the office and speak with one of our office staff.​

Link to ADF Ready Reckoner

© Brisbane Catholic Education, St Martin's School, Carina (2024)  ​