In addition to the classroom teachers provided by Brisbane Catholic Education Centre, St Martin’s is also provided with support staff for curriculum implementation. While staffing allocation has a certain amount of flexibility according to local school needs, we have been able to support our curriculum with roles such as: Teacher Librarian, Guidance Counsellor, Support Teacher Inclusive Education, English as a Second Language Teacher, Curriculum Support Teacher, Physical Education Teacher, Curriculum Support Teacher (Technology) and School Officers (Teacher Assistants) to assist with implementation.
From the fees collected from parents we also provide specialist teaching in Music, Visual Arts, and Technology.
The Italian Welfare Association (Italian Language Centre) assists towards provision of funding for a teacher of Italian.
Through Brisbane Catholic Education we also have access to a range of specialist personnel including Inclusive Education Consultants, Area Supervisor for Management Issues, Religious Education and Curriculum Consultants.
Support for Student Well Being and Learning
The Inclusion Team is made up of a variety of specialist personnel, including Learning Support Teachers Inclusive Education, Guidance Counsellor, and Teacher Assistants. The staff of our Inclusion Team work together to form student support teams that assist in supporting classroom teachers in providing quality teaching and learning environments for all students in their care.
The Team works in partnership by collaborating with teachers, parents and specialists in order to best provide support for the students within the school community.
The aim is to facilitate a whole school response to the special needs of students. The needs of the students are many and varied and support may be given not only for language and numeracy development but also includes other factors that may be affecting a student’s learning.
Usually, students are referred for support at the time of enrolment, or as needs arise by classroom teachers. If you have any concerns regarding your child’s progress, please discuss them initially with your child’s classroom teacher. After discussion, where appropriate, a referral for support will be made.
Support may be given in a variety of settings according to the needs of the student/class: in the child’s class: in a group situation in the classroom: your child may be withdrawn from the class in a small group or as an individual in a one-to-one situation.
© Brisbane Catholic Education, St Martin's School, Carina (2024)